Tomatoes - S to Z

All prices are in canadian dollars.

Tomatoes  (Lycopersicon esculentum, and  L. pimpinellifolium)

-All tomato varieties are open pollinated (not hybrid), unless stated otherwise.
-All are indeterminate, unless stated otherwise.

 Saint Pierre

Nice looking red tomato with smooth skin and very few defects. Round, medium size, about 6-7 cm. Click thumbnail for details. Good flavor. Will grow well even in cool weather or bad conditions. Reliable. Popular in european markets. Looks like a supermarket tomato, but with a great flavor. Open pollinated. 70-80 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

San Marzano

San Marzano Lampadina

Italian paste tomato with a distinctive elongated pear shape. Tall and vigorous plants. Was selected from the commercial San Marzano. Fleshy fruits with hollow seed cavity. Good for transformation: sauce, canning, etc. Can also be eaten fresh. 82 days.
Packet of 25 seeds: $2,49

San Marzano Nano

Determinate. Pear shape italian variety with thick flesh and hollow seed cavity. Commercial type well adapted for transformation, especially peeled tomatoes. Vigorous, compact plants 70-80 days. Determinate.
Packet of  25 seeds: $1,99

Sara Goldstar

Like Isis Candy but with larger fruits. Striped, red and golden fruits. Sweet, fruity flavor. Determinate. Early: 65 days. Packet of  25 seeds: $2,99


Red tomatoes striped in orange and covered with some scabs. Click thumbnails for details. Similar to Feuerwerk, but smaller in size and rounder. Medium size, 5 to 6 cm wide. Nice tangy-fruity flavor. About 80 days.
Rare, hard to find variety! Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

Scatolone 2    

San Marzano type with elongated red fruits. About 13 cm long. Very firm flesh, few seeds. Partially hollow inside. For fresh use or for sauce and canning. Stong plants and good production. Hybrid. Late season tomato, 90 days or more.
Packet of 25 seeds: $2,49

Schimmeig striped hollow 

Schimmeig Striped Hollow

Striking blocky tomatoes that can easily be mistaken as bell peppers. Beautiful striped skin (click picture). Inside is hollow, good for stuffing and slicing. Medium to large size. Productive. 80 days.
Packet of  20 seeds: $2,99


Cold tolerant variety from Siberia than can set fruits even during low temperatures. Small to medium size red fruits with sweet flavor. Productive. Well adapted to short seasons. Early: 64 days. 
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,49

For a similar variety, see Manitoba, Siletz or Sub-Arctic.

  Siberian Pink                

Quite productive determinate variety with pink egg-shaped fruits. Small size, about 4,5 cm long. 6 to 10 fruits per cluster. Fresh, tangy taste. Medium size plants (1 m high), determinate. Very productive. Early. 70 days.
Packet of 30 seeds: $2,99


Low temperature strain that will set fruits in bad weather, coastal climates, winter greenhouses and the such. Siletz is parthenocarpic, meaning that it does not need pollinators or wind to set fruits. Large red tomatoes with great flavor. Good yields. Large plants. Bred by Dr. Baggett of Oregon University. 70-75 days.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,49

. Snowstorm

Pale yellow oval fruits, cocktail size (4-5 cm). Smooth and regular. Sweet fruity flavor. Rare. 70 days.
Packet of 25 seeds: $2,99

Snow White    (Cerise Blanche)

White cherry tomato with sweet flavor. Smaller than Snowstorm (above). Nice mixed with other cherry tomatoes. 70-75 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

Spears Tennessee Green    (Spear's Tennessee Green)     

This one has an incredibly juicy, smooth flesh that will melt in your mouth. Nice subtle fruity undertones. These tomatoes are a real treat. Let the fruits ripen completely in order to enjoy their full taste. Large, lobed, slightly flattened and ribbed. Grown since the 50s by the Spears family from Tennessee. About 75-80 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

Speckled Peach 
Pink Peach)        

Very beautiful tomato with slightly fuzzy skin and very tender flesh. Ripens slowly while taking different shades of peach and pinks. Looks like a nectarine! (click thumbnails). Medium size, round to oval, 5 to 7 cm wide. Very tender flesh, with pleasant, nice subtle flavor. No acidity. 80 days.
Warning: lower germination (40%), but packet increased to 25 seeds.
Packet of 25 seeds: $3,49

striped turkishstriped turkish Striped Turkish 

Striped fruits slightly larger than Tigerella and with broader stripes. Round, 3 to 5 cm wide. Grow in long clusters of 6 or more tomatoes. Early, bout 70 days. Very productive. Rare.
Packet of 30 seeds: $2,49


Bright red fruits with excellent, rich and intense tomato flavor. Salad size. Potato leaf type. Adapted to cold climates and quite early: 63 days. From the ancient Czechoslovakia. Recommended.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,49

 Sub-Arctic   (Sub-Arctic Plenty, World's Earliest)

One of the earliest strain at 45-50 days. Also adapted to cold weather. Does not need pruning. Can be grown in pots, the plants will then cascade over. Productive. Salad-size (5 cm) red fruits. Determinate. 45-50 days
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

Summer Cider                     

Beautiful apricot colored skin makes this one special. Click thumbnails for closer look. Large, round flattened fruits with slightly ribbed shoulders. Nice flavor, tangy and pleasantly acid. Fleshy. Large, potato leaf plants, reaching 2 m or more. Bears fruits for an extended period, up until late in September in southern Quebec. Rare variety. 80 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

sun baby
Sun Baby

Yellow cherry tomato from England renowned for its sweet flavor. 75 days. Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

  Sungold OP           

Orange cherry tomato with sweet, fruity taste. Open-pollinated selection of the popular hybrid. 70 days.
Packet of 10 seeds:$2,99

Super Sioux           

Bright red, round fruits, ranging from 5 to 10 cm. Selected to withstand drought and heat. Good acidity. Also known as "Super Lakota". Around 70 dyas. Semi-determinate.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,49


Bright red cherry tomatoes growing on long trusses. Quite sweet, with a Brix index of 12 to 14% (sugars). Great for snacking right off the plant or to add to salads. Long clusters of 15 to 20 tomatoes, about 2,5 cm in diameter. Good yields. Can withstand some cooler and wetter conditions. Some tolerance to cracking. Early: 65 days.
Packet of 30 seeds: $1,99

Sweet Cream

Exceptional taste, particularly sweet and fruity! Exquisite. An all-time favorite. Good quality fruits, quite uniform, showing good resistance to cracking. Hold well on the plants. Keeps also well after harvest. Clusters of 5 to 7 tomatoes, 5 to 8 cm long. Golden skin with orange streaks. If you like sweet tomatoes, you will love this variety. A selection of Bradley Gates in California. 75 days.
Pack of 10 seeds: $2,99

Sweet Gold

Beautiful, large plump cherry tomatoes hanging on trusses like big golden grapes. Large cherry type (cocktail) about 3-4 cm. Very nice quality: firm, smooth, crack free and with very few defects. Firm like grapes. Let them fully ripe and they will become sweet and taste almost like white grapes. Even though the fruits are uniform and crack free, and the plants are quite vigorous, this is not a hybrid. Good potential for commercial growers. 65-70 days. Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

For a similar variety of the same quality, but orange, see Sweet Orange 2 below.

  Sweet Orange 2

Beautiful, large plump cherry tomatoes hanging on trusses like big orange grapes. Cocktail size (3 cm), oval. Very nice quality: fruits are firm, smooth, crack free and with very few defects. Juicy, sweet-fruity flavor (let them fully ripen). Even though the fruits are uniform and crack free, and the plants are quite vigorous, this is not a hybrid. Good potential for commercial growers. 65-70 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

For a similar variety of the same quality, but golden yellow, see Sweet Gold.

Sweet Tooth
Beautiful tomatoes that are not only sweet, but also quite tasty. Rich and concentrated flavor. Very good. Can be eaten fresh or to make sauce. Shape is generally elongated, sometimes oval.  Medium size, about 7-8 cm by 5 cm. Dark red skin with purplish hue and metallic green stripes. Dark red flesh. Wispy foliage. A Bradly Gates selection (Napa Valley, California). 75 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99


Salad size, orange fruits looking like clementines. Excellent refreshing, tangy flavor. Good production in cold conditions. Early: 65 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

Taxi                                                                    Back for 2025

Excellent yellow early variety, well adapted to short seasons. Beautiful deep yellow fruits, 4 to 5 cm in diameter, round to oval in shape. Perfect tomatoes, smooth and without defect. No cracking. Very pleasant flavor, not bland at all. Very good refreshing taste. Small compact plants of 70 cm. Without a doubt, one of the best yellow open-pollinated tomatoes: beautiful, tasty and early. 60 days.

Packet of 15 seeds: $2,49

Thai Pink       (Thai Pink Egg

Plum tomato originally from Thailand, brought to the US. Grown in Oregon. Medium size, pink oval fruits. Iridescent. Tall and very vigorous plants.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99


Delicious greek tomato with superb earthy, salty taste. Unique. Try it in your feta cheese salads or just alone. Red fruits, rounded, smooth, uniform. Juicy. Resistant to cracking and burning. Originates from Thessalonique, a coastal greek city. Recommended. 80 days.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,99

Thorburn's Terracotta                                                  

Orange-bronze tomatoes with beautiful salmon flesh. Great taste. Medium size, 8-12 cm, round to flattened, slightly ribbed. Green shoulders fading as fruit matures. Heirloom from New York state (1893). Productive. Early: 75 days. Full, nicely balanced flavor. 
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

Tiny Tim

Determinate. Dwarf plants producing cherry-size, red fruits. Good for pots and baskets. 30 to 40 cm high. Early: 60-65 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

Tlacolula     (Tlacolula ribbed)

From Tlacolula, Oaxaca, Mexico, comes this heavily ribbed pink tomato. Mostly bell shaped. Some are fused together. Similar to Zapotec Pleated. 80 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

(Huan U)            

Nice yellow globe tomatoes with green stripes. Stripes slowly fade to yellow and on fully ripe fruits they can barely be seen. Fairly regular tomatoes, about 4-5 cm. Chinese variety, also called Huan U, yellow counterpart of its sister Violet Jasper (see below). Mild flavor, no acidity. Early and productive. Around 70 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,49


Pale yellow tomato with semi transparent flesh and tacky skin (similar to a nectarine). Small size (4-5- cm), round fruits. Pale flesh, juicy, mild tasting and a bit sweet. Tall plants (1,8 m), productive. 75 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

Trifele Black    (Japanese Trifele Black)

Black type with pear-shaped fruits, very smooth and regular, with very few defects. No cracking. Medium size, about 8 cm. Nice, black tomato flavor. Pure seeds. About 75 days. Rare.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

Triple Crop
     (Trip-L-Crop, Italian Tree, ...)     

Huge pink tomatoes and tall plants, that's what Triple Crop is in a nutshell. Good taste too. On single cluster can bear up to 3 of those 1-kilo monster tomatoes. Big, fat, dark pink fruits, often heavily lobed. Tall, vigorous plants, that can reach easily more than 2 meters high. It is rumored that the plants could reach 4 or 5 m high (?), hence its other name: Italian Tree. Potato leaf type (grandifolium). 85 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,49

True Colours                                                              New for 2025

A beautiful tomato displaying a magnificient range of colours (green, yellow, orange, red). Beefsteak type, with a somewhat variable shape, round-flattened to slightly elongated. Rich and complex flavour. Indeterminate plants with potato foliage (grandifolium) (...)
See New for 2025


Bright orange tomatoes with tangy, fruity taste. Round, medium size, smooth and firm. Fleshy. From Maine, well adapted to northern climates. 75 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99



Ornamental type with variegated foliage, stems and even unripe fruits. Striking and beautiful in the garden. Click thumbnails for details. Fruits finally turn red and get tasty later when they get very ripe. Round, salad size (4 to 6 cm). Small plants, about 1 m high. 75 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

Velvet Red                                 

Ornamental, velvety blue-green foliage covered with fine hairs. Red cherry type fruits are also covered with an easily removable, delicate fuzz. Click pictures for details. Contrary to some other ornamental types, this one bears very nice tasting, sweet fruits. Delicious. 75 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

Vintage Wine 

Striking variety with orange and red striped skin and beautiful pinkish orange flesh. Flavor is fruity and, like a good wine, improves with age. So after picking up the fruits, let them sit a few days on the counter until they begin to loose their firmness and soften a bit. Then the flavor will be at its best. Medium size, round fruits that are rather firm. Some cracking. Potato leaf type. 80-85 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

Violet Jasper   
(Tzi Bi U)                                 
Wonderful chinese variety, also called "Tzi Bi U", with beautiful purple-red fruits covered with green stripes. Click thumbnails for details. Round fruits, fairly regular, about 4-5 cm wide. Nice flavor. Quite early and productive, grows well in short season areas. 60 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

wapsipinicon peach Wapsipinicon Peach
A superior Peach variety with thinner skin, larger fruits (up to 6,5 cm) and a sweeter, definitely more intense taste. The yellow tomatoes have also a finer fuzz. Their flavor seem to improve with age, so if you let them ripen in front of a sunny window for a while the taste will get even better (and you'll be able to taste a real, authentic peach flavor!) From the american midwest. 80 days.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99 

white oxheart   
White Oxheart    
(Coeur de Boeuf Blanche)                        

Who could have guessed, a white oxheart tomato! Beautiful, pale yellow strawberry-shaped fruits with a delicious, smooth flesh. Very tender. Subtle fruity flavor with a nice tang. Fleshy fruits. Large, 2-m plants with long, drooping leaves. Some fruits can get big (1 pound, 450 g). Some variations in shape. About 85 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

Let the fruit ripen until you see a slight pink blush on the underside.
White Queen

White variety with very pale skin. Mild, sweet taste, and low acidity. Medium to large fruits. 80 days.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,99

white tomesol White Tomesol  

Smooth, creamy flesh with a nice, sweet-tangy flavor. Very tasty, not bland at all. There is also a definite sunflower aroma coming out of some tomatoes! The skin is covered in a very fine fuzz and has a strange sticky feel to it. Very pale tomatoes that will get some colors when let to ripen into the sun. Medium to large size: 6-10 cm. Pumpkin-shaped, slightly ribbed. Unique. One of the best whites. 80 days.
Packet of 25 seeds: $2,99

White Wax          

Pumpkin shaped fruits with waxy skin. Pale cream color ripening to pale yellow at full maturity. Fruits are ribbed and flattened. Sweet flavor and low acidity. Medium size, 4 to 10 cm wide. Keeps well after harvest and good production. Around 75-80 days
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,9

White Zebra       

The latest of the zebras, with cream skin and pale green stripes, then turning to yellow when fully ripe. Round fruits, medium size (4-6 cm). Nice zesty flavor, like Green Zebra. Best when not over-ripe. About 75 days. Rare variety. 
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

Woodle Orange       

American heirloom with nicely formed orange fruits. Good fruity flavor. One of the best looking orange tomato. Very few defects, almost perfect. From Iowa. 75-80 days.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,99

Yellow Bell

Nice yellow tomatoes shaped like light bulbs or bells. Meaty, low acid. Sweet taste. Good production. Large plants. 80 days. Packet of 20 seeds: $2,99

Yellow Brandywine

Golden yellow Brandywine with rich taste, one of the nicest yellow tomatoes around. Potato leaf type. 500g-1kg.
End of season: 80-90 days.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,99

Yellow Pear

Indeterminate variety bearing clusters of small, pear-shaped yellow fruits on tall plants. Unique salad tomato with mild taste. High yielding. 75-80 days.
Packet of 30 seeds: $2,99

Yellow Plum                 

Small salad yellow tomato. Mild, sweet flavor. For salads or preserve. Vigourous plants with extended production. Fruits are more or less egg-shaped, about 3,5 cm long, and grow in clusters of 8 to 10. 
75 to 80 days.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,99

Zigan   (Gipsy)

Very nice looking black tomato with smooth, dark red-purple skin, with greenish shoulders and streaked belly (click on photos). It is important to note that the fruits must be picked unripe for best flavor. Otherwise, they taste rather bland. Very rare!
Sold out.

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