Exotic plants, shrubs and trees

  Eggplant Gilo Brazil   (Solanum gilo)

Decorative type with green fruits turning yellow, orange and then red. Packet of more than 25 seeds: $2,49


Black Goji                     
(Lycium ruthenicum)                        New for 2025

Perennial from Central Asia bearing dark purple berries that can be eaten fresh or dried. Taste is simlar to sunberry or blackberry nightsahde. Highly pigmented and full of antioxydants. (...)
See New for 2025

For another species of Lycium, see also below "Lycium - Chinese Boxheart".

Cyphomandra abutiloides

Relative of the Tree Tomato or Tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea), this species is more manageable (1,5 to 1,8 m) and has a shorter cycle. It blooms the first year, a few months after sowing. The crowns of small white flowers are followed by small, 1 inch decorative berries. Some say these fruits are edible and have a nice flavor (like peach or apricot), though the ones we grew did not taste great at all (climate? strain?). Large, tropical looking downy leaves. Place it outside during summer. Rare. South America.
Packet of 35 seeds: $2,99

Ashwagandha       Ginseng indien (Withania somnifera)

Medicinal plant used for centuries in India for its therapeutic virtues. Strengthens body and mind, alleviates insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Relieves stress. All parts of the plant can be used. Steeped leaves makes a calming tea. Height: 40-60 cm (here). Easy to grow (easier than chinese ginseng). Full sun. Tender perennial treated as an annual.
Lower germination rate (25%), but packet increased to 50 seeds, enough to grow about a dozen plants.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49

Litchitomato       Morelle de Balbis  (Solanum sisymbrifolium)

White to pale blue flowers followed by decorative, 1 inch red berries. Spiny plant, about 1 to 1,5 m high. Click on photos for details. Fruits are edible but rather bland. Blooms from July until frosts.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,49

Lycium - Chinese Boxheart     
       (Lycium barbarum)

Small 3 foot shrub with edible red berries. Fruits are consumed fresh or dried like raisins. They are also used as an ophthalmic herbal medicine in China and were included more recently in some dietary supplements. The dried berries taste somewhat like cranberries and have a very high content of beta carotene. Aka: Chinese boxthorn, Matrimony vine.
Packet of 40 seeds: $2,99

Dried fruits in real size                

Melon Pear  
(Solanum muricatum, Pepino Melon, Pepino Dulce)

The Melon Pear, aka Pepino Melon, is a native of the Andes producing wonderful fruits with a flavor reminiscent of honeydew melon and pear. Yellow flesh, tender and very juicy.
Potato foliage with flowers similar to those of eggplants. Fruits are oval to elongated, pale yellow to dark purple, with varying degrees of purple striping*. Plants tend to crawl and may need staking.  Approximately 50 cm tall. Also called Pepino Dulce.
Popular fruit in Peru. Germination +- 60%. Limited supply.
Sold out.

Fruit shape and size vary from plant to plant, an so are the leaves (from pale green to dark purple) and flowers (white to purple). The dark-leafed plants grows the long striped fruits.
Plants are self-fertile but pollination can sometimes be an issue for some of them. Grow more than one plant if possible.

It is possible to grow melon pears in Quebec if you start sowing early, either in February or March.
It is very easy to make cuttings from this plant. You can clone it almost indefinitely. Just snap a branch and put it in water (or stick it right into the ground). Potted plants overwinter very well in a garage or a cold room. Even if they seem dead, they can grow back new shoots in spring. Obviously, greenhouse cultivation would be best as it allows for a longer growth period and for more fruits to ripen in the fall. But even the unripe fruits are edible; in fact some people prefer them at this stage and use them in salads, the same way as cucumbers. You can put the unripe fruits in a bag with some apples and they will slowly ripen over several weeks. You can tell they are ripe when they release a sublte, sweet smell similar to a melon or a banana.

        Lulo  (Solanum quitoense)

Large subtropical plant from the andean plateau where it is grown for its delicious orange fruits. National fruit of Ecuador. Small, 3 to 5 cm orange fruits covered with fuzz. Beautiful emerald green pulp with tropical fruit flavor. To make a refreshing juice, simply add sugar and water. Ornamental plants with large purple veined leaves covered with a soft, downy fuzz. Height: 1,5-1,8 m. Needs 8 months of growth to produce fruits. May need hand pollination to set fruit. Also called "Lulo". Columbian strain covered with spines and producing larger fruits. Germination: 2-3 weeks.
Packet of 15 seeds: $2,99

 Paulownia   (Paulownia tomentosa, Empress tree)

Perennial. Fast-growing deciduous tree with nice scented flowers looking somewhat like snapdragons or foxgloves. Large, heart shaped leaves about 4 to 8 inches wide. Blooms in spring with 2 inch purple flowers. Can grow 6 or 7 feet in one season. Perennial to zone 6 and warmer parts of zone 5 (like Montreal). Protect from winter the first year. Seeds needs light to germinate.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,99

  Kangaroo Apple  (Solanum laciniatum)

Tall plant with deeply cut foliage and small purple flowers followed by small, 2-3 cm egg shaped fruits. Settlers in New Zealand and Australia picked the fruits to make jam. If you want ripe fruits, and you live in the north, you will have to bring the plant inside for the fruits to mature (around december). Also known as "Poroporo". Sow inside several weeks before last frost. 1,5 to 2 m tall. Low germination (50%), barely cover seeds.
Packet of 25 seeds: $2,49

Real size fruits

Tamarillo        Tree Tomato    (Cyphomandra betacea)

Small subtropical tree bearing clusters of 3-4" egg shaped red fruits looking somewhat like tomatoes. Can be grown outdoors year-round in frost free areas or as a big container plant that can be placed outside in the summer. The sweet-tart, acidic fruits have a meaty pulp and bring to mind the flavors of tomato, orange and lime. Can be used raw but also in any imaginable way (cooked, preserved, jams, juice, etc.). A high yielder after one year of growth.
Packet of 8 seeds: $2,99

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